Genre: Battle Royale
Mode: Multiplayer
Setting/Timeline: A Florida Mall, 2010
Duration: 15 min per game
Software: Unreal Engine 5, Adobe (XD, Premiere Pro), Pureref
Inspirations: Fall Guys, Black Friday (From 2010), Mario Party 8
Constraints: Stylized Art Style, Interior Only
Game Pitch - Run, fight, and steal from other players to ensure you'll be the first to leave the store with as many discounted items on your list as possible before time runs out.
Summary - Each player is given a list of items they must try to receive in order to gain the most points. Whoever has the most point upon exiting the mall wins.

Level Overview
Obtain the most amount of items on your list to gain the most points then leave the mall before the timer runs out.
"Steps" 1-7
1 - Character Selection.
2 - Players spwan at one of the 4 mall entrances/exits and one in the middle.
3 - All players are given a list of 20 items they need to find before the timer of 15 minutes runs out.
4 - Players can steal items from stores, other players, and NPC's, which will trigger cop chases.
5 - Players can steal or purchase items not on their list.
6 - In order to successfully keep items in the inventory, a player has to exit the mall.
7 - The game ends when the timer runs out or every player has left the mall. Whoever has the most points wins.
Pre-Production Process
The game originally started off as a tabletop game, but when switching to digitial I created a flowchart and used the LDD from the tabletop to brainstorm new ideas.
When whiteboxing I started by blocking out each store individually on a separate plane, then moved them all to a corresponding color from my layout inside the modeled walls.
The gdd is always interchanging but I mostly work from the flowchart with summarizes everything and connects it in a way that is easier to read. I prefer referring to this sheet in Adobe XD because it has everything easily connected on one page including minimalistic designs.
For references, I researched stores that were normally found on a Florida Mall map. I also researched different stores found in different types of malls (indoor, outdoor, outlets) to find similarities.

Every year, on the day after Thanksgiving, many stores will drastically discount prices and invite customers to purchase items before the stock runs out.
This year at the "Buy and Shop" Mall all staff from every store rearranged items throughout the entire mall. Items that were normally found in the Pet Store may now be found in Art's and Crafts.
Each player has a specific list but unfortunately, other shoppers have the same items on their lists. Players and NPCs can steal from each other and actively prevent the player from achieving their goal.
If the player commits a crime, they gain "stars" and a mall cop will be after them until the player is temporarily "arrested."
I want the player to feel anxious and competitive. Each game has a 15 minute timer, if the player hasn't left the store before the timer runs out they may possibly lose a random item in their cart or get caught by a cop (if they have stars).
The more points a player gains, the more they can spend in the shop for new outfits, voice lines, taunts, and music (in stores). I didn't want to have any in-game advantages for purchase to keep it moderately fair for both old and new players.

The flowchart contains summaries of traits and abilities from players, enemies, and shoppers. It also shows the gameflow for mechanics and options the players have when taking items.

Playable Characters
Each player has a specialty for abilities and traits that distinguishes them from other players to give them an edge.
Player A:
Trait: +Speed. Can walk faster and attempt to escape cops quicker
Ability: Reveal all items on opponents list
Player B:
Trait: +Toughness. More resilient to being pickpocketd, greater chance of escaping cops faster
Ability: Bribe cop removing up to 2 wanted levels
Player C:
Trait: +Toughness. Quicker to steal without being seen, easier to sneak past cops
Ability: Reveal all cop locations
Player D:
Trait: +Craft. Higher chance of lockpick not breaking
Ability: Reveal all items in one store, including backrooms
Player E:
Trait: +Strength. Greater chance of breaking out of handcuffs, easier to steal items from NPCs grasp
Ability: Reveal location for one random item on your list

Enemy AI
The difficulty level of the cop chases is determined by the number of stars shown on the screen as a wanted level.
If a cop catches a player, they are given a small window to escape. If they cannot escape, they will be thrown into lockup for a certain amount of time.
1 star - 10 seconds, 2 cops stationed
2 stars - 20 seconds, 3 cops spawn
3 stars - 60 seconds, 2 "stolen" items are taken, 3 specific cops
4 stars - 90 seconds, 3 "stolen" items are taken, 3 specific cops (6 total)
5 stars - 1 relentless cop, Kicked out of the mall and inventory completely cleared out. This brings the player back to restart checkpoint and items are revealed and scattered throughout the stores.
Specific cops will only go after the player and will ignore other players and NPCs even if they have stars themselves.
At the start, a few cops are standing guard. After players start getting stars, the number of cops increases, along with the difficulty.
The cops start off with a small enemy perception that incrementally grows once the players get more stars.
Once at wanted level 5, "Majima Everywhere" appears. This is the fastest, strongest, most relentless terminator cop that appears like Batman and will hunt the player down until they're caught.

NPCs have patrol routes where some will only walk around in "circles."
Some have a mission to patrol for a certain amount of time, then attempt to steal from a player.
Some have a mission to patrol then buy store items and leave the mall. These could be items the player wants as well, but cannot get if the NPC leaves the mall.
Level Layout
I made the level layout very colorful so it's easy to distinguish store types and size. I also originally planned to randomize store locations by size and color but temporarily cut the idea for object randomization.

Production Process

I wanted the mall walkways to be very spacious and open so if I chose to add an abundance of NPCs there would still be room to traverse the halls.
The stores are more difficult to traverse because of the smaller paths and more crowds trying to find items.

Points of Interest/Landmarks(Weenies)
Any object, whether it's on the player's list or not, will be highlighted to show that it's interactable.
I originally wanted to make the mall a maze-like structure, but instead went for an easier traversal route. The player is free to choose whatever direction they please but there are some small isle "shops" and sections that reminds them which way they have already gone. The most memorable locations are the "Food Conveyor Belt," the "Indoor Kid's Play Area," the main entrance, and the three big purple stores.

Visual Language
Each store is labeled by a color that indicates its size, as shown in the layout. From smallest to largest, there are 12 grey bathrooms, 11 blue, 5 pink, 4 yellow widths, 3 red, 3 purple, 1 yellow height, and 1 green.
These size differences also help future game development if I choose to change the store locations after each round.
The essential, secondary, and legendary items are different shades of 3 primary colors to show the possible spawn points for a particular item.

The player is restricted to basic movement and cannot do anything like jump, vault, or crouch. I considered having them be able to shove other players and NPCs but it was scraped after adding the "steal mechanic."
Verticality Restrictions
The player cannot see over the walls so they have to rely on their sense of direction and specific landmarks.
Only the first floor is traversable, having the second floor is an option for future development as a new map level.

Hiding places are consistent with every store that has a dressing room. Cops cannot enter the dressing room if they are searching for the player.
However the level 5 cop can camp outside the door, making it nearly impossible to escape.
In order to prevent players from staying inside too long, their cart doesn't follow them in the dressing room leaving it exposed to thieves.

Gates and Valves
Some doors are locked and require either a key or can be pick locked; these keys can also be "acquired" by staff.
If a player wants to try to pick lock a door, they have to find supplies for it first, then hope to be lucky enough to not break the lockpick.

All staff have a button prompt to talk once the player is ready to checkout.
The "Yes" button prompts the player to buy all items in the cart and leave the store. The "No" button allows them to keep shopping.
If an item is picked up in store, it is in a "pending" state, shown as yellow, until exiting the store
An item doesn't officially belong to a player until they go to checkout.
At checkout, the item is assigned a number, showing that it has been purchased. Ex: apple becomes apple1
Items without numbers are considered stolen
If an item does not have a number when leaving the store, the "sensor" goes off and the wanted level goes up
Players can steal or purchase items not on their list to prevent other players from retrieving an item and gaining more points.

Each player is allowed to have 25 items in their inventory, which is 5 extra spaces for nonessential items.
Currently, when a player drops the item in store, it drops in the same spot I am working on making it return to the shelf it originated.
10 essential items are worth 10 points each
9 secondary items are worth 5 points each
1 "legendary" item is worth 20 points
Every item not on a players list is worth 1 point
The same legendary item is on everyone's list, there is anannouncement when it is collected
Player/Enemy Damage
Players cannot lose health, they only lose time if they are caught by a cop.
They are also temporarily stunned when they have an object stolen from them. Players have the option of countering a thief which in turn will temporarily stun the thief if successful.
The lighting is meant to be very bright so that there are rarely any dark corners. As of now, there is no need for any special lighting like ambient or spotlights.

Asset Packs
None currently used
For Future set dressing:
Simple House Interior (Synty Studios)
Simple Office Interiors (Synty Studios)
Simple Props Items and Icons (Synty Studios)